Painting - Downstairs


APR 08

After getting some odds and ends done, I decided to paint the downstairs area before starting on the loft area:

The whole point in painting it all flat black is to keep reflectivity down.  Well, it works.  It was tough to get good pictures...

(still awaiting me to build a sliding door to cover/insulate the roll up door...)

Got the front wall OSB'd (the insulation has been done for a year - it was a quick and easy job) - and then painted the door.
I might need an "EXIT" sign here - heh heh

Next, I built the rolling/sliding door to cover/insulate the 8' rollup door.  Here's completed pictures:

This is the completely OPEN condition: outer door up, and inner door open (hard to see!)

...this will allow me to still get big stuff in and out if need be...both doors will normally be closed and sealed.

...with the outer door down and inner door still open (slid to the left of the picture):

...both doors closed:

...the door rolls on a track of angle iron:

It's WAY dark in here now! Yikes!

Some AC unit shots:

...and downstairs lighting:


(hard to see because of all the darn black paint!)


The lights work!


That pretty well wraps up the paint job.